Tuesday, December 16, 2008

my holiday at Bintan Indonesia

I went to Bintan with my family on Monday , we went there by a galaxy ferry !
It has been taken almost 1 hour time .
badly , I and my father were vomiting while ferry swung by giant waves !!
I met my new friend Destan at Bintan !
we are same ages , both of us like play online games .
I and Destan were played snooker , table tennis and many activities at Bintan !
we all enjoyed our holiday at this place .

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

my special present !

Hi ,
I m eagleliau
I was very happy because my mother bought a new hand phone to me yesterday !
it is new and useful
it has two diffirent colour cover - nokia 2600
I took both cover -green and silver !
my mother said I m well done in my exam , so she gave me a surprise !
my handhpone can play sudoku !
I like it !

Sunday, November 16, 2008

my sister birthday !

15/11 was my sister 12yrs old party !

Many relatives came attended this party , birdie also received many presents too .

my cousin -christie bought a special present to me , made me happy !!

my father bought two birthday cakes , chocolate favour for birdie and fruits favour for me .

because I cannot take chocolate !

my father bought counter strike games for me , I like it ^o^

I m very gleeful !

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

christmas tree at my singapore home !!

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

my mother put many beautiful things on our christmas tree at singapore home

it looks very nice and colourful

my sister plays piano very good , she is best !

my sister plays online game with me , we also msn talk

I will have taekwondo test on 22/11/08 , I will be brown belt senior soon

my parent give birdie a great birthday party on 15/11/08

I do not know buy what for my sister ?

I m fever yesterday when back from school

my mother and father are worry about me , my sister also !

I made christmas card for my mother and father , they are very happy

will my friend still at same class with me in P3 ?

I m worry , I want together with all my friends !

bye bye

Monday, November 10, 2008

kind !

this is my lovely mother -irene
she is my best friend !!

this is my K2 headmistress --teacher may
she says hyperkids more clever than other kids !
she is a great teacher , also my first teacher ~~
I miss her !

great time

my JB home plant grape !
it has grow many fruits , but taste sour ~~
my mother is green finger !

this is my art work !
it is a purple horse , nice ?
I like it

this is my sister Birdie art work !
chrismax tree and house , also have our family members inside ~~

my family

I & my sister Birdie took picture with my grandmother at changi airport !
my grandmother went to Vietnam for holiday .
I feel sad

we went to Genting with my grandfather !
we were gleeful .

this is my mother cousin --ah B !
She likes act cute .
we are good friend !

this is my uncle youngest baby --angeline !
she looks cute and likes eat her finger ~~

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Hi , I m eagleliau

I m very happy because I think I will pass my exam !!

exam is over ^o^


I also feel very gleeful because I have passed my taekwondo dark blue belt exam , and I will take part in brown belt this year end too !

I play chess with my mother , hope could win her today because I lost yesterday .

bye bye

Thursday, July 17, 2008



Im eagleliau

I m sorry for lost mdm Tan card , I will be very good boy I promised.

I went to Mt Elizabeth hospital this morning , the doctor sim gave me medicine , she said it will help me become a good boy .

I will be very very good people for mdm tan , I know I was very bad for lost your card

please forgive me , please !! please !! I will be good boy .

now , I m very joyful I m not bad now!

I will do all your homeworks , I m a good man because I ate my medicine just now.

thank you mdm Foo because she helped when I cried and scared to school that day .

how are you teacher pang ?

when will you back to teach me ?

bye bye

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


hi , I m eagleliau

I just back from tuition .

many homework and spelling !

my classmate Timonty fell down at school Monday , but he never cry !

mdm tan come back , she is a good teacher .

Birdie pet Pinky and Dicky are very fat and stupid ^o^

I love them !

I love my mother .

bye bye

Friday, June 13, 2008

holiday !

I and my friends took picture with kangaroo at wildlife tour !

we were at the DreamWorld , I feel happy !!

I and my father were catching fish at Gold Coast !!

I and Mr Lion played Roller Coaster at DreamWorld !!

I and Birdie , Wenxuan and Wenwen took picture with Shark at MovieWorld !!

I and my family went to Fruit farm picked oranges .
I feel very excited and joyful in this holiday !
auspicious , I went to this trip .

My friend Yang and me catching special crab at Brisbane ,
I was scary when hold it !
But wanted ate it too .

My favour bunny , it was cute than Wenwen !!

My sister favour star , it was cute and friendly too .

I was in jailed !

bye bye

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My writing homework

**MRT Train**

It was a beautiful and sunny day , Ali and Tom went to MRT train at bedok . Inside the MRT train , it was very noisy because there was many commuters.

At the meanwhile , two school chidren were pushing and shoving each other at MRT train , their behaviour were very bad.

Suddenly , one of the boy wanted to eat his sandwich , but the boy's mother told him no food and drink allowed . She pointed the sign to her son !

Be a responsible citizen , we must keep the MRT train clean.

Ali and Tom were enjoyed their MRT trip .


Bye bye

Tuesday, May 20, 2008



I m eagleliau

I swam with my mum this morning

I feel very happy and gleeful

my mum love me , I love my mumtoo

my mum is teaching me learning mother tongue and math !

Do a lot of tuition homeworks

very tired and angry

I play piano very well , and learning a new song "long long ago" , "mickey waltz" , "auld lang syne".

bye bye

Monday, May 19, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I and my family went to Pulau Ubin yesterday !

I and my sister were fell down when we cycling .

I picked up a big durian , Birdie also !

we were enjoyed our trip .

every Tuesday and Thursday , I have tuition class !

I have many homeworks .

bye bye

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I feel very angry and upset because I was scolded by my mother tongue teacher on Friday.

mdm Tam is a hard working teacher , she is very tired and angry because we are noisy and naughty !

I love mdm Tan and mdm Wong so much , I must a good and clever pupil .

I was noticed and realised my lovely pet baby pinky becomes fat and more cute !

my mother wants open new shop , we are very busy now .

I also love my new pet - pinky and my family !

bye bye

(94 words)

Monday, April 28, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I swam with my mother this morning.

I love swam with my mother

I love my mother because she care about me

I m lion-hearted because I saw "death note"

and Lucas is my favour star because he likes to eat apple in the movie

he is a death god !

bye bye

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I can do better at SA1 exam !!

because I will get 10/10 in my spelling


I love my mother and my mother love me too.

I played chess with my mother this morning , I won and my mother got 0/2 .

I got 2/2 !

pinky is very cute and fat

did Jerry feeling better now ?

did Denny looks good ?

bye bye

Monday, April 21, 2008



I m eagleliau

I went to swam with my mother this morning .

Jeremy and his mother came to my house just now .

my mother is feels happy and gleeful because I do my homework by myself yesterday !

my father bought beautiful flower and delicious cake for my beautiful mother .

I love my beautiful mother , my nice father , my lovely sister and cute pinky !

And my beautiful mdm wong and mdm tan too !

jerry and denny -- I love u ^o^

bye bye

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I love my family because they care about me .

Today is my mother birthday

I love my mother so much than everyone !

My dad want to bring me to celebrate my mother birthday at Orchid ville .

I will go to Brisbane on school holiday 8/6/08 -- one week

bye bye

Friday, April 18, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

my classmate jeremy took timomty water bottle !

why he wants to do that ?

I m surprised and upset .

timomty work book lost , my math work book also lost !

who took my work book ?

bye bye

(40 words)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008



I m eagleliau

I wear Indonesia Batik to school today !

I and my mother went to Indonesia last year , my mother bought for me.

I like this Batik because it look beautiful and cool !

mdm tan ill on monday , she is come back now .

mdm tan is not feeling well , she need to rest .

I worry about her too !

I met mdm wong on monday evening when going home at G3 .

I feel happy and joyful !

bye bye

(79 words)

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

A new pet pinky will come my house today !

It is a lovely hamster .

I and my sister are very happy and exciting now !

I want meet my new pet pinky a tiny hamster quickly .

I m upset because I can not touch it , only can see it far far .

I love to swim with my mother every day .

bye bye

(65 words)

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I back to school yesterday .

mdm tan also sick on wednesday , she is well now !

eham pushed me for no reason , and I hit my head again.

I m angry and sad , but we are friend .

mdm tan is very beautiful , her dress also very nice too !

my father went to hospital because he is sick .

I and Birdie are worry about father .

my mother tongue spelling 7/10 , not good .

I have english spelling today , I have read .

bye bye

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau .

I m tired and sleepy !


I m eagleliau .
I was sick yesterday , because I fell down at school and hit my head !
The doctor gave me two days mc .
I was not go to school , but my teacher and my classmates are care about me .
After took my medicine , I rest and slept all the day !
my mother and father are worry about me , Birdie also care about me too .
I feel joyful and happy !
bye bye
(73 words)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I fell down and hit my head at school yesterday .

my mother bring me to see doctor .

mdm tan was care about me , she called my mother .

I m very happy !

but my head is very pain .

bye bye

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I m fever on Saturday morning my sister take care of me !

my sister take the ice on my head .

she is responsible and gracious !

I also vomit yesterday .

I have do my homework -- a long composation 128 words !!

I love to be sick because can sleep longer time .

mdm tan are you feel better now ?

I love my father , he also sick !

he must be good now .

bye bye

(55 words)

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I played golf with my mother this morning , I played better than my mother !

we went to KFC buy delicious foods and tasty drink .

I met my classmate faiza , he look for doctor because he is fever .

he and timonty cannot go to school because they are not feeling well .

I have read spelling , I want get 10/10 !

bye bye

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

my classmates !

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

my classmates chuyan , jeremi and jieyong were scolded by mdm z yesterday

They were crying and stand on staed !

only jeremi was move , chuyan and jieyong was not .

why chuyan and jieyong also scolded ?

I m very fear and want cry too

I do not know what to do ?

bye bye

(55 words)

My day

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I saw that happen : my friend umer was hurt his nose ! And I also hurt my toe because accidently hit swimming pool just now.

My mother was caring and worrying about me and umer .

Timonty never join me and umer brother because he have badmiton class !

I enjoyed swimming with my friends .

bye bye

(57 words)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008



I m eagleliau

I feel sad because my classmates said I pushed Jomari on floor yesterday evening

I never pushed him !

Timonty scolded me loudly , and made some classmates scolded me too .

I m crying , I m very upset because my classmates don't believe me .

only mdm tan and my mother believe me .

SA1 come , I feel worry .

my mother bring me to library now !

I like read books !

bye bye

Monday, March 31, 2008


I swan with my mother this morning !

We were very enjoyed our time .

I also cycling at park too !

I have spelling today .

I enjoy my school time ^o^

finished all my homeworks !

bye bye


This is my homework !
"My New Pet"
by Bruce Lansky
I asked my father for a pet .
He said , " I'll take you shopping."
My father took me to a store
where animals were hopping.

He asked me ,"Which one would you like ?"
So I picked out a puppy ,
a parakeet , a rabbit ,
plus a gerbil and a guppy.

I also picked a monkey,
and a yellow Siamese cat ,
a turtle , snake , and lizard ,
plus a very big white rat .

My dad said , "If you want a pet ,
then you will have to feed it ."
Instead , I picked a storybook .
I cannot wait to read it .

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

mdm wong e-mail to me !

very joyful and exciting

I m very happy because mdm wong still remember and care about me !

I promise mdm wong will be a good boy and want be model student in Greenwood primary school !

last saturday , I watched a nice movie - water horse .

I and Birdie like this movie , we also want a pet like water horse !

mdm tan has jerry , mdm wong has denny , and I don't have pet .


I went to pray my grandmother on yesterday morning , many peoples and very hot !

bye bye

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

mdm wong never come to look me , she forget me ?

I miss mdm wong !

where are you mdm wong ?

I swam with timonty yesterday at ours home swimming pool!

I also met two new friends Umer and Demer , they are twins pakistan brother .

we were swimming together very happy !

I called to Umer this morning , and we will swim on next Monday morning !

Birdie went to school yesterday morning , I m not .

my mother bring me and Birdie to library yesterday afternoon , we also ate at "M" .

I feel very joyful !

will mdm tan jerry happy in holiday ?

jerry feel better now ?

bye bye

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I swan with my mother this morning !

And I was cycling at my condo garden just now .


I like this story because it is very funny and scary !

I m joyful of school sport day -- have holiday

bye bye

Monday, March 24, 2008



I m eagleliau

I was angry and sad because a malay teacher - girl was scolded me after reccess , she also took my new ruler .

I do noting wrong .

I don't know why she scolded me ?

I feel upset .

mdm wong , where are you ?

I miss you !

mdm tan also scolded me , she said I scolded the malay teacher , but I m NOT !



Sunday, March 23, 2008

Movie !

Hi ,

I m eagleliau from 2M !

I watched a lovely movie -- Horton

Horton was a kind and helpful elephant , it was cute and funny too !

my sister birdie also likes this movie .

I also watched 10,000 bc at cinema !

a stupid man love the blue eyes girl , walked 10,000 different country , he killed the evil god !

I do not like this evil story .


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

happy ^o^

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I feel good now !

I back to school yesterday .

my maths get 38.5/50 !

I feel happy too

I have english spelling yesterday .

I think I can get 9/10 !

today have mother tougen spelling too .

I will be good boy too .

bye bye

mdm wong

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

my sister find mdm wong e-mail at school -lead.com !

I write e-mail to mdm wong ^o^

I m happy now !

mdm wong are you see my blog now ?

bye bye

Monday, March 17, 2008

I m sick

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I m sick with flu and cough now , I can not go to school today .

I don't want my classmates have sick like me .

I feel sleepy and tired .

can I rest at home ?

I m upset because my CA1 english very poor .

I never eat my dinner last night , I stay at my room and cry !

I m not good .

mdm tan told me jerry sick , will he pain ?

he must be sad like me .

I miss jerry , I like him !

I think jerry will be better , I also will be better too !

I want mdm tan be happy and joyful everyday ^o^

bye bye

Sunday, March 16, 2008

not feeling well

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I saw mdm tan blog just now , jerry still sick ?

I also same as jerry too !

my mouth have dots , eat foods very pain .

my mother cook soft soft things for me now !

she is caring me , like mdm tan care about jerry .

I was fever on last wednesday , very bad !

jerry will be good soon .

bye bye

holiday !


I m eagleliau

I went to JB during school holiday !

Many cars at singapore custom , 2 hours traffic jam !

my sister said is because of mas selamart .

I hate waiting in long time !

when we back to singapore also jam in 2 hours too .

I and Birdie very sleepy !

my school holiday is cheerful and playful .

I know one online game very fun and hard .

You want join me at www.y8.com in sonny game ?

see you there !

bye bye

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

my life !

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I played water with my sister on last Saturday at my JB house, very joyful !

will my teacher miss me ?

I sleep untill 10am everyday !

my teeth painful because I hit my mother in accident .

blood come out !

I and my sister swim just now , we are very happy !

my sister went school on monday and tuesday because she is P6 .

so , we can not go to travel !

bye bye

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Be careful bad man !

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

be careful of this man !

he may be our side too .

happy school holiday !

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Exam over !

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

my exam was over !

will I pass my exam ?

I miss mdm wong , hope she could be my side .

mdm wong and mdm tan are kind and gracious !

I watched cartoon channel last night with my sister .

my sister have exam today !

She is clever and friendly .

I love my mother , my mother love me too .

I read my english spelling now !

I want get 10/10 ^o^

Today have mother tongue spelling .

I have read ^o^

I want get full marks !

bye bye

Monday, March 3, 2008

Bad day !


I m eagleliau

I m not cheated during exam .

I never let Eham see my paper , I check my paper only ! I also don't know he pee my test paper .

I do nothing wrong , why I get scolded ?

will my test paper be 0 mark ?

Eham is a bad boy !

I m upset and angry now .

I lost my money $2 at school !

bad day .


Sunday, March 2, 2008

day !

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

I like take bath because I could play many bubbles !

I get 10/10 in my english spelling ^o^

I m very very joyful !

My mother tongue teacher has not give back my white board because he said I still playful !

Friday , I walked and walk when mother tongue teacher not at class , my monitor wtite my name on board . I don't want teacher know , so I erase my name . But teacher saw it !

my mother tongue teacher scolded me at class , I could not control myself and scolded him back .
I know my mistakes , sorry !

I m very bad and upset now

Saturday , I and my family went to park .

we are very cheerful

I and my father watch football match !

My favour Liverpool win ! (3 - 1 )


I m enjoy watch cartoon channel now !

Today is CA1 test , good luck to my friends !

bye bye

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bad day !

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

my teacher has not give back my white board because he said I still playful !

Bad day ~~

I fell down at school yesterday when I at school hall .

my arm hurt !

And I also hurt by bloom at my classroom too .

I m in bad luck ~~

I m not feeling good today !

my mother buy kfc to me , I like to eat !

I play golf accident hit an old man , he is good not scolded me .

but I m shy and sorry ^o^

I will careful next time !

bye bye

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

day !

Hi ,

I m eagleliau !

I swim with my mother .

my teacher never give back my white board .

I m upset

my mother cook delicious foods to me !

I m joyful and enjoys my foods now .

CA1 coming soon , I want get 100 mark !

my father plays golf today , I couldn't follow him because I have to go to school .

bye bye.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

bad & joyful !


I m eagleliau

I m very upset because my white board was took by my mother tongue teacher !

I just wanted help zhixuan find marker pen in her school bag . we want played titaketo because we have finished our test !

I know we could not talk and play when test.

mr pang , please return my white board to me .

you are kind and gracious teacher !

I wouldn't do again

joyful because mdm tan comes back !

I like mdm tan and mdm wong .

my mother angry me because I m lazy do homework last night .

but many homework , I don't like !

my sister teacher wants see my mother , because she is not good !

I love my family .

bye bye

Monday, February 25, 2008

not happy !!

Hi ,

I m eagleliau

Mdm tan was not go to school yesterday , she is sick ?

new teacher not good , shouted and said : " shut up !"

she like timonty only , she know he ! timonty said to me .

I m good at class yesterday .

I don't like her !

mdm tan come back ! I like u ^o^

I go to timezone and library now !

bye bye .

Sunday, February 24, 2008

friend !

Hi ,
I m eagleliau !
my father friend kengho ooi want be my online friend .
he saw my blog last friday !
I get 8/10 in english spelling .
my mother extremely joyful , she must bring me to Timezone 3 times !
I saw a boy played basketball very cool at bukit juction , he got 690 marks !
we ate dinner at swensen , very delicious ^o^

Monday, February 18, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagleliau .

I get 10/10 in mother tongue !

my mother very happy .

today have mother tongue test .

I read 10 mother tongue spelling and 10 english spelling !

I love my mother .

timoty is my friend now !

I m a gracious and caring boy

bye bye

Sunday, February 17, 2008

happy !


I m eagleliau !

I m happy , my house have a party on last saturday !

many foods and my father friends came at my house ^o^

my foot hurt when played fire cracker with my father friend . but I m enjoyed !

spelling come , I will try to read !

I want my mother happy .

I want get good mark !

bye bye

Friday, February 15, 2008

my hand hurt !


I m eagle liau .

my hand hurt because I played with my classmate .

I used ruler and my classmate used 3 pencils !

he hurt me in accident .

I cry ! my mother tongue teacher mr Pang help me and bring me to office .

He is good to me .

I saw my lovely teacher mdm Wong , she came and talk to me !

she care me .

I am very happy ^0^

Wednesday, February 13, 2008



I m eagle liau !

my sister have to wear glass because she could not see well .

she is not happy now !

I have spelling today .

do not like spelling !

I said my classmate was stupid because he said the bird will fall down from the highest floor !

the bird have wing ! how could it fall ?

my teacher asked me why called my classmate was stupid ?

I never tell my teacher the true .

because I know I colud not said my classmate stupid in school !

I play chess with my mother now !

Bye bye

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

good new !


I m eagle liau

I m very happy because my sister buy me a purple turtle toy and bubble ball.

my sister went to kampong glam yesterday !

I also took my sister small fan , and it broke by me ^o^

my sister very sad !

spelling I read , will get good !

my teacher dog jerry very poor like me , no one like me too !

I like jerry !

I go to swim now .

Bye bye

Monday, February 11, 2008


Hi ,

I m eagle liau .

I m unhappy because I was shouted and scolded by my uncle in new year eve .

I m scare and sad he shouted to me in front of many paeple !

I hate him .

He is an evil man !

my mother sad too .

I will not go to new year dinner !

but I m happy play fire cracket with my sister and father !

I get many many money in new year .

will mdm Tan baby jerry also have money in new year ?

I like jerry !

anting and anjie and anning came and stayed 1 day at my home in new year !

we play fire cracket too !

I hope theyv like me.

I wouldnt be hyper active boy !

my spelling very bad 4/10 only ^~^

my mother very very unhappy and sad too.

I tell her will get good mark in next spelling !

I stood in class because I was talkative ^o^

bye bye

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

cong xi fa chai

new year eve
I m very happy ^o^

Monday, February 4, 2008

cute Jerry !

This is my teacher baby jerry !
cute ^o^
nice dress too !

holiday !

hi ,

I m eagle liau

I read 5 english spelling words .

2.pen pal

I also read 8 chinese spelling !

I m more clever now ^o^

we will back to grandparent home tomorrow !

happy new year dinner ^o^

I played chess with my mother , she lost !

my father will play golf tomorow.

I want follow him !

he plays better than me ~~!

teacher Pang scolded my classmates because they are bad boys !

he spoke very loudly in class .

I feel scare !

teacher pang is a good man , mdm tan also gentle too !

I like my teachers .

I love my family too !

happy new year ^0^

bye bye

Sunday, February 3, 2008

eagle !


I m eagle liau

I m happy becuase new year have long holiday!

my mother upset because I wrote I love my father more in homework.

I love my mother too ^o^

Be happy mother !

I posted mdm Tan favour baby Jerry on my blog http://eagleliau.blogspot.com

Jerry looks cute ^o^

I want a pet too !

Bye bye

Jerry !

Jerry is my teacher mdm Tan favour baby !
it looks cute !
I like Jerry ^o^
Will Jerry be my friend ?

new year !

Hi ,

I m eagle liau

my mother sent to me , I like it ^o^

hope all my friends will like it too !

bye bye

Happy New Yr !


Dear Friend :就不信有人比我還早的祝福,這年頭爭個第一不容易啊!
呵呵 ...... 在這裡給您拜個早年! 在新的一年裡誠心的祝福我的朋友 : 開開心心 ! 工作順利 !! 身體健康!

My Best friend, happy New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! ^0^

新年將至,祝您在新的一年,一帆風順,二龍騰飛,三羊開泰,四季平安,五福臨門, 六六大順,七星高照,八方來財,九九同心,十全十美,百事亨通,千事吉祥,萬事如意!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Today !


I m eagle liau

I m very happy because I done all my homeworks last night .

I have read my spelling , I want got 10/10 today !

my mother also very joy too !

new year I want go to mdm Tan house .

be my friends ?

bye bye

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New year !

I love New year !

I want eat dinner with my parent and grandparent ^o^

happy new year !

Birdie & Annes Wong !

This is my sister Birdie & my lovely auntie Annes Wong !
Who is pretty ?
I think is my Birdie lah ^o^

I & Birdie !

Did I look more cute than Birdie ?
We were at Fremantle (Aus)
Happy !

My Australia trip last year !

I & my sister Birdie stood at the higher bridge 8ft when we travel to Aus last year !

my classmates !

Hi ,

I m eagle liau

I play chinese and west chess !

I cry at hall yesterday Chuiyan made me cry !

He is bad boy !!

my classmates side me and help me ^o^ they say he is bad !

I and my mother play golf morning 9:00 !

I ate KFC because I got 9/10 in chinese spelling

my mother love me and very happy

I play chess with my mother now ! I win two and my mother win one

bye bye

My room !

This is my bedroom !

My favour Winnie The Pooh ^o^

My room very big & nice !

good boy <:


I m eagle liau

My leg pain so I play golf no good !

I m very sad now .

eat foods and spelling .

I want be good boy

I play chess with mother now ! she lost ^o^

bye bye


I m eagle liau in 8 years old

morning !

I m sad because my mother angry me last night .

I hate spelling !

do you know my mother togue spelling marks ?

100 marks ?

english spelling very bad .

I want my mother togue teacher email ...

I want be his friend too

I play (http://www.y8.com/)

my mother sad too .

I want be a clever boy !

write many words very tired .

happy new year !

bye bye

grandfather come !


I m eagle liau

I feel happy ,my grandfather came to my home last saturday !

he stayed one day and back .

we went to play games at Timezone and ate foods.

will my teachers like the cookies ?

I m very happy too !




I m eagleliau

i m 8 year old

mother want bring me to "M" eat!

I play www.dragonfrible.com

I take bath now

bye bye

I m eagle liau

spelling ....

I will try my best !

I buy cookies to my teacher mdm Tan , she can eat ! I have asked the girl last night.

I also buy to mdm wong --my favour teacher !

hope they will like it ^o^

I ask my mother put cookies to genaral offce today

happy ! happy new year !

shall I bring foods on monday because Isra fazi birthday ?

Have to ask my teacher ...before bring !

I give my teacher new e-mail to my mother now .

bye bye



I m eagleliau

I play (www.y8.com) now

I play scooter just now very good !

I ate meal and bring milo today

I do all mother homework

bye bye

not happy !!


I am eagle liau

I play scooter with my motheg just now very good !

I read spelling too very tired

Do homework and read book !

my mother with me

I do not like to stand at class out very shy and angry ! I want cry but scare

I am playful , and will not do it next .

I tell my mother why I stand class out classroom . she is sad and tell me be good boy !

my want my mother happy she happy I happy too !

you be happy too !

bye bye

clever !


I am eagleliau

I play (http://www.y8.com/) just now

my father lost football game because of Birdie bad luck

I and my mother go to swim now

bye bye

happy !


I m eagle liau

morning !

spelling come fast

I am very happy saw mdm wong yesterday ! she was happy too

happy happy happy happy



I m eagle liau

Thank you , I do homework now .

I was hit by the 14 years old bad boy !! my master had scold him after it but my neck pain !

he is bad bad bad boy . I do not be friend with him now !

my mother tell him do not hurt me !

I am very happy now

Bye bye

Ben 10


I am eagleliau

I feel very sad because I have not do my homework !

My father win football because of me !

so he must buy Ben 10 watch for me .


It is very noisy now our house

bye bye

my sister fell !!


I m eagle liau

my sister fell down at school , I and my mother went school just now

she is playful

my nose came out blood pain

mother sad

I sad too

my new teacher good

you good too

bye bye



I m eagle liau

I played y8.com in the morning

We went to kfc just now !

I study spelling good !

I love you

bye bye

sick ?


I m eagle liau . my grandfather vomit and do not know ? ask my mother .

I m happy , the toy my teacher gave to me !

can I bring home every day ?

I like it

I m sorry toy broke . my mother fix it for me

not happy now


I m eagle liau

my friends eham and nani no food , mdm wong give them pass eat at canteen

they are my friends .

bye bye



I m eagle liau

I m very happy I play golf better than my sister orchird contry club !

I will be good boy .

My grandfather sick , I m sad

how are you ?

happy ? sad ? angry ?

happy new year

my mother ^o^


I m eagle liau


I played dragonfable.com just now

and also e-mail to my father !

I will swim with my mother now

she is fat ha ha ha

but she swin good !

My grandfather is ok . my mother say !

my sister is monitor .

She is very happy .

thank you teacher I will be good boy ok !

teacher Tham do not give me e-mail. I m sad

bye bye

hello !


I m eagleliau

could my father buy Ben 10 watch for me ?

I played dragonfable.com just now !

I swim with my mother now

I love you

bye bye

bad spelling ~~

Hi ,

I m eagle liau

I could not join www.multiply.com , I am under 12 year old

I hope new year coming fast , I like it .

I go to kfc now . eat food !

spelling very hard , I do not know it good

I try .my mother happy

bye bye.

Nice !

hi ,

I m eagle liau

My form teacher is mdm Tan , she is not fat .

she looks good and thin !

my mother more fat ^o^

I like you

happy !

hi ,

I m eagle liau

I play golf at 9:30am today .

I go now

very happy


sad @


I am eagle liau .

I am very sad , could not gave my friends my foods .

My Friends poor no money buy foods .

Share with my friends !

angry sad

My money buy foods to my friends .

angry sad

Bad mood ^@^

hi ,

I am eagle liau

I know I m wrong and I will be good boy !

will my teacher forgive me ?

My mother say she worry me .

Mdm Wong left me . I like her

I love my family

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hi ! I m Eagle Liau !


I am eagle liau , I am very angry and sad .

why my form teacher scolded me in class ?

mother tongue teacher scolded me too .

teacher not like me .

I am not happy .